Bring out the flowers, bring out the teddies and evrything cute and pink...Valentine's Day is here...
Never really got to experience what it was like to have a valentine...but hey at least u get to save the cash and buy YOURSELF a valentines treat....

Hey CLEO magazine said if u r single, go PAMPER YOURSELF on valentines day! so instead of spending it on manicures, pedicures and facials... I bought two twilight sagas in a row...might be a bit compulsive..definitely dug a huge hole in my pocket... but i get to spend valentines with edward cullen...what more can i ask for! haha
So dear friends,
If you do have a valentine, have a great one, n as for the single ones...go ahead n pamper yourself!
Happy Valentines Day!
except to you who was suppose to be my best friend..