Im back!! Christmas in Singapore was GREAT! *Updates later* I honestly wish i did not have to come back to malaysia! im seriously appalled by the difference between the singapore and malaysian immigration! i am embarrassed to call myself a malaysian! Everything was so systematic in singapore while in malaysia it was train wreck. I carried my heavy luggages to the *xray thing* only for it to go through the rollers for a ride. Seriously, the immigration officer was not even staring at the screen, she was chatting with her friend. Urgh. Waste of my bloody time. Whether you had anything to declare or not. No one bloody cares. Its no wonder ppl get away with trafficking drugs into the country. Malaysia Boleh.
Urgh. Dont mind me. Im being sour bout coming back to malaysia and reality. Uni starts in a weeks time. Yippee.
Oh my dear friends who are in Ipoh! i only have a week left. lol. like im dying. Call me out! I wanna meet you!! lol.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 1 comments
Labels: Holidays
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Its the most wonderful time of the year!! This is the season to be jolly! i heard from my dad that some people actually think that christmas is the birthday of santa claus! Gosh! haha! For those of you who didnt know christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ!

and oh yes! Happy Tong Yuin Festival as well!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My mummy and daddy gave my doggies a way........without telling me! :( :( i miss my doggies!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 1 comments
Labels: Family
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Pearl of the Orient
Cozy dining area...u have to remove ur shoes and to my surprise there was a fair amount of ang moh's having lunch there *smirks*
I ordered the mango lassi which was oh-so-delicious! thick and had a strong taste compared to the lassi u get from the mamak!
Food served was buffet style. Huge variety of vegetarian dishes. I was so hungry i gombled down my food and didnt get to take any pics. my bad. The dessert pai-sam (i dont noe how u spell it) was so yummy i did not hesistate for a second helping! Here's the thing, u dont pay for ur food! its based on donation! Give how much you would like..u could even walk out without paying and no one would say a thing! The best part is the food was still tasty and authentic! i was truly amazed! After stuffing ourselves so full, we went to walk it off in Gurney Plaza. End of the year sales are here and it was packed with people! My aunt gave us each 100ringgit to shop! God bless her! haha love her lots!
The following day, we started early. My mum wanted to go to Kek Lok Si. Those people there can really take advantage of tourists especially if u dont noe how to speak hokkien (local dialect). Fortunately, i could manage a few words or so when haggling! haha. You can get things for ridiculously cheap prizes if u haggle. From a handbag that costs RM35 can be reduced to RM10. The price gets lower as u go up higher.I normally let my aunt and mum do the haggling for me...i just add in my famous line.. 'wa bo cho kang' ( i dont work). The place was hot and stuffy! But we did not miss out on feeding the gigantic tortoises.
last but not least..i met up with Grace in Queensbay for a drink and some catching up!
And the next few days were spent on helping my sister, kimberly moved out of her hostel as she has finish with her studies in KDU. damn it. younger sister graduating earlier than me. UCSI SUCKS BIG TIME.
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 3 comments
Labels: Holidays
Monday, December 1, 2008
Current Obsession
I just cant get enough of this! Though i dont think anyone would expect me to be watching this..haha eh im half chinese k!
Moonlight Resonance
Spoken language is cantonese, i think its quite simple since i can understand it? has 40 episodes.Been watching it till late nights. Worth the watch. sigh..i love holidays...haha
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: TV shows
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Home Sweet Home
After driving nearly 180km from KL, i finally reached home....IPOH! A friend of mine, Kui Choo followed me back to Ipoh and she catched a bus to her hometown, Sitiawan from ipoh (long story lah!) As i exit the highway into Ipoh and drove home, i dumped my luggage and gave Kui Choo a short tour around my house, and we rushed to the err bus stand? Apparently there's only one bus company that goes to Lumut ( if u didnt know its near Sitiawan) which is Perak Roadways. We made it just in time for the 4 o clock bus with barely five minutes to spare and bought the bus ticket. Thinking we were so lucky to be able to get a bus ticket. THINK AGAIN.

I felt so embarassed having to put my friend through that. I seriously had no idea that the bus service to Lumut is that bad. Fyi, she only got to sit after an hour later and the bus kept stopping to pick up n drop passengers along the way. Gosh. There's no limit. Im sorry Kui Choo!!
And as for me, i shall be keeping myself occupied with astro, loads of friends to meet up with, books to be read and movies to be watched. I'll be in Penang this weekend for a lil WINDOW shopping, completing my pharmacy attachment on the 15th and will be spending Christmas in Singapore. Excited excited.
Season of Advent has already begun...So fast lah one year flew by....
Less than a month till the birthday of Jesus Christ...
Dear Lord,
Let us always rmbr the real meaning of christmas...and not be blinded by the MALAYSIAN SALES and COMMERSIALISM !
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Madagascar 2 at Cineleisure
I went to watch Madagascar with Angie and Iong Ling in Cineleisure on Tuesday. We looked forward to a movie that would be funny since the first one was quite funny. But we came out disappointed. The storyline was kind off draggy and not funny. I just wanted the movie to end! and im sorry i just cant accept that merman the giraffe fell in love with gloria the hippo! its jus so wrong! gross!
i wouldnt recommend you to watch this movie unless you really have nothing to watch! The first one is definitely so much better!
Movies to look forward to-
- Twilight ( someone pls lend me book! pretty pls? haha)
- He's not that into you
Ive got a LONG list of books that i want to read... :( but no money! Santa Claus ive been good this year...can i have cash for christmas?? haha
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 2 comments
Labels: Movie
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Finally over....

the 3-tier was even taller than swee leen! nah! i kid you...haha we had an assortment of sandwiches..i absolutely LOVE the smoked salmon sandwich ( only got one) :( then the pastries and a slice of cake....i didnt like the scones...i could only stomache one..though we kept putting jam on was erm...tasteless and kinda tasted like flour...the rosemary and cheese cookies were something different, it was actually quite spicy and nice. Then there was the chocolate truffles with chocolate dip and we opted for the chocolate pavlova with strawberries as our choice of a slice of cake. Something light. Thank goodness. I was so full by the time we got to the top tier!
I had a cup of camomile tea..and we talked for hours not realising we both needed to get our butts home to study... overall, great food, great company, a very satisfied me.....
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: Foodie
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I wish......
I wish there was someone out there who would love me as much as i have loved you............
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
When the stress kicks in........
i think evryone is having finals exams now rite?? Well if u think that u've sat ur butt all day long studying...and ur mind is saturated with all the information (I WISH!!) take a break..... and dance to this!
Exco Board of 2003? or was it 2002?
back when we wore skirts and short sleeves!!
OMG im so old already........................
sigh back to the books... GOOD LUCK EVRYONE WITH THEIR EXAMS! i sure need loads of it...
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 2 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A thought
Here's a thought.....
To have the one you love most?
to have the one who loves you most?
What do you think?
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 2 comments
Labels: Thoughts
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I know im not suppose to be blogging...but this is the only place i can actually let go my thoughts....didnt want to trouble anyone with my problems since everyone is busy with their own life. My mum shocked me with some bad news yesterday. She has not been feeling well this few days so she finally decides to take a MRI. Her results came out and turns out she had three problems. She had gall stones, hernia and a growth! She's always joked and said she sees so many cancer patients evryday she's not surprise if she dies of cancer one day! SO NOT FUNNY! My mum dedicated her life to work with terminal stage cancer patients. She could have been a doctor but she chose to be a nurse...a palliative care nurse. i really pray that the growth is not malignant. My mum on the other hand seems to be in a good spirit bout it. I seriously think its just an upfront. My dad has not been well himself. He had a bronchitis episode.Coughing non stop. N suddenly he really starts taking care of his diet (which is good lah) but its like as though he is hiding something from me. IM JUST TERRIFIED! i have nightmares of losing them....
all i can do is to pray.....
Pls dear Lord let them be okay.....PLS
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Im back in Ipoh for a three week study break. Its already Thursday and i cant even finish one lecture note a day!! i seem to associate HOME = LAZING AROUND. Yet, i choose to come home instead of staying back in KL. WHY? i get to eat mum's cooking and i dont have to do my own laundry! lol. I really need to snap out of resting mode and turn on the studying mode! SIX WEEKS of prison! sigh...
All the best my fellow batchmates!
We must strive to pass this horrible semester!
im going to try to abstain from blogging till after finals! YEAH RITE!
will update on my Langkawi holiday soon!
P/S: swee leen, study hard K? we shall have tea to go crazy a bit after my finals! HUGS!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
We had our last lecture with Mr. Jony and Miss Shruti today, our dispensing and compounding lecturers. Both Mr. Jony and MIss Shruti will be leaving UCSI after this semester. :(.

Thank YOU for your guidance and patience! and ur generosity with awarding us with ZERO marks! haha joking!
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. ~Irish Blessing
P/S: let us pass dispensing and compounding as a farewell gift?? hehe
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: pharmacy
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Gathering of the Generations
Phew! Mid terms are finally over with a not so happy ending. I finally can blog guilt free FOR TODAY. haha it'll soon be time to gear up for FINALS! less than a month away!so..
Thats our family tree... haha try to spot me!
I honestly had no idea i had so many relatives...some ive never seen in my life. My great grandparents John Bernard Monteiro and Cecilia de Rozario had 9 children. The 9 children had children and the children had children..haha u get what i mean la rite...It took a whole year of planning for this day and i played no part in the planning. haha! Relatives from as far as australia came back for this occassion. I was surprised to find out that i had relatives from Penang. they even had to charter a BUS to kl!
there was so many of us that ......we had to wear name tags....

but the most memorable part of the event was when we held on to balloons n thought of our loved ones who were already in heaven...n let go of our balloonsi thought of my grandpa....i miss him dearly and how he would play 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' with his harmonica. how he would sing to me playing horribly on the organ ' Burung Kakak tua' when i was young. Sigh.
But honestly i did not get to know anyone mistake for not mixing around n getting to know ppl. i promise to get to know my other cousins next time?? hehe...instead i stuck to my comfort zone! my cousins!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 3 comments
Labels: Family
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Birthdays!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY october babies!!!!!
Cindy Kalensang, 12th October
Miss Tan Jing Rou, 13th october
Last but not least, a dear friend from National Service, Zul (14th October)...
'Wishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come. '
Happy Birthday....
Hugs n Kisses
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Raya Holiday
First Day of Raya
Dad, the driver :)
ONE MONTH OLD! so fast! im getting old :(
My whole holiday is practically spent on eating. GAWD. Thank god for friends like nicky who drags me out of the house to go out for a jog in the pologround cause he claims he put on weight. SHEESH!
n....guilty as charged. i did not TOUCH MY BOOKS!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Trapped in the past
Gloomy rainy day to return back to KL. Totally not helping. This is going to be a rather emo post..i might even regret posting it up. Ive been doing some 'soul searching' or so i think so. A friend of mine whom i havent seen in a long time told me i have changed a lot. I lack self confidence. Im not quite the outspoken person i used to be compared to when i was in high school. I was quite taken aback actually. but to a certain extent, she was right.
Maybe cause back in high school i always have a big group of friends to fall back on. Maybe at that time i really didnt give a damn what ppl thought about me. Being a patrol leader in girl guides in school n being active in the choral speaking team maybe gave me the confidence to be outspoken.
Then as time passes, the big group of friends becomes a small group of friends as we head different paths in life and then its left to a number u can count with your fingers. Then u start liking guys, well in my case a certain guy. U start obsessing with the way u look and keep on changing the way u look just to get him to even give u a second look. Suddenly what evryone thought bout u mattered.
'Omg u're so fat lah'
'is that a huge zit on ur face'
'gosh, if u get rid of ur acne u might actually look pretty'
'Come on, be realistic lah, no guy would accept u the way u r'
'if you lose some weight, u will look pretty'
bla bla...there goes the self esteem down the drain....
all the pleasing, doing evrything for a guy but it goes unnoticed,
rejection, drama, n still putting hope on something that'll never happen...turns u bitter as u chant to yourself...being single is COOL!
In uni, being already low in self confidence, i gave up trying to fit in. Afterall, its not the quantity but the quality rite?
when i meet up with some old friends, the past is the only common topic i have with them. i'll be quiet otherwise. i dont know why. i hate being like this!
Way Back into Love
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on.
i need to move on.....................
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 1 comments
Labels: Thoughts
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
Wishing all my muslim friends,
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir Batin..
really sorry i wont be able to update much, silly me i forgot to bring back my laptop charger! lol!
n plus Raya is the time to stuff my face with food with all the open houses...till im sick of lemang n ketupat! haha...n of course the duit raya! more please!
will be going back to simpang pulai (kampung) to visit my cousins tmr morning!
yes i told u im from a rojak family... i get the priviledge of celebrating evry festival in malaysia!
Loving the holidays!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: Festivals
Thursday, September 25, 2008
less than 24 hours till i can go back to my favourite-est people in the world!
i dont care if you guys are back in ipoh WE HAVE TO MEET UP! we have loads to catch up on!
ok im getting carried away in my dreamland...i still have one more freaking paper to go!
back to the lecture notes! see u in IPOH! haha....
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: Home
Friday, September 19, 2008
im feeling absolutely depressed. On the verge of giving up. i dont know why. i just dont want to face the coming week. Second year has been really tough on me having to retake two year one subjects that its so difficult to manage my time well. I will be having two mid term exams this coming week. Biochem on tuesday and physical pharmacy on friday. Totally unprepared for the both of them. Pending CVS lab report due on wednesday. THE worst dispensing and compounding practical test on wednesday. sigh. homesick. i think i often like going home its because its a form of escape. escape from all the stress and escape from having to do evrything for myself. ESCAPE FROM KL LIFE. not liking it at all.
feel like dropping evrything and giving up!
missing all my ipoh friends...........i want a hug! sobs!
P/s: in loving memory of coco the poodle, a faithful, loyal companion.
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
haha i stole this from alvin's blog...cant help cos its so funny!!
worth the watch!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: Random
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Grey's anatomy!!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! another thing to look forward to during the raya holidays!!
Posted by Elizabeth Monteiro 0 comments
Labels: TV shows